Searching Visualization
Searching Options
Linear search
Binary Search
Sorting Options
Bubble Sort
Quick Sort
Randomize the Arrays
Number to be Searched:
Choose the array size, then click "Change the size" button below:
Size 30
Size 20
Size 10
Size 5
Choose the speed of how fast the algorithm should run:
1ms delay
10ms delay
100ms delay
200ms delay
Change the size
Before You Start
At this page, the system will initially generate 30 random numbers represented by the column chart below.
You can first sort the arrays with options like Merge Sort, Bubble Sort
Then you can enter a number of your choice, and click search, the system will deploy linear search to find the number you just put down.
Or you can also search the number with your desire algorithm
Beware, you may not be able to perform searches correctly if you haven't sort the arrays yet.
Let's Begin